Monday, April 21, 2008

The first entry

Who knows how long this will last, but I will put up my own blog, regardless of the constraints on my "not-first existence." (Did I skirt that one ok?)

Thank you, Mr. Almo Schumann, for the blog title. It fits my experience in SL entirely.

I am gearing up for my first substantial post.. it's about land prices and land owners. Allow me to put my neck out there......


Dale Innis said...

Woot! Also Huzzah! V challenging choice of first topic, too, Mata Hari. Think you-know-who will wander by?

Great to see you put another bon vivant toe in the pool... :)

Anonymous said...
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Nik Hewitt said...

Sweetie. "Harper's Bizarre" is just an an irresistible title! Twitter a link for us when you post new stuff? :-) Oh, and thanks for the link to the pic of Tetnus and I, we look rather smart for a change ;-)