August 5, 2007: Fleet meets Bono at the UN. He was not stoned--he was just blinking. Fleet, that is. I can't remark on Bono.

October 10, 2006: Fleet is invited to become the "Fifth Wiggle." He declines but not before waking Jeff up.

November 14, 2007: Fleet enjoys the company of several playmates and Paris Hilton at Hugh Hefner's mansion. He licks champagne out of Hilton's belly button later that evening.

February 22, 1980: Fleet sees the final score during the "Miracle on Ice" game at Lake Placid. (Now, Fleet, this is like "Where's Waldo?" Sheesh!)
Send in your historical moments!
I hope Fleet didn't get a nasty oral infection from licking champagne from Paris' navel.
I did get a puck in my teeth that required oral surgery after the Miracle on Ice.
Fleet: Sorry to hear that. Of course, we take our chances when dealing with Venus Man Traps like Paris. I'm glad you made it through alright.
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