Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bloggers in person

I figure, why bother leaving an incendiary post on someone's blog? I decided to teach Dale a lesson.

I simply offered a Ordinal Malaprop Humbug (TM). Who wouldn't want a sweet holiday candy? *smiles sweetly*

(Photo by Kanomi Pikajuna.)

They were a little hot. Sorry Kanomi and Botgirl. Thank you for being guinea pigs.

Candy, anyone...?


Dale Innis said...

Those were definitely incendiary! I'm grateful that I was too buried in windows to notice you offering the box until the explosions got my attention.

Although the second time you offered it I was feeling a bit peckish and couldn't resist. Mind-blowing indeed! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sort of sorry I missed that!

Kanomi said...

I didn't mind at all! I got to touch Botgir's bot-legs.

Shockwave Plasma said...

When I used to visit Ordinals place I quickly learned never to touch anything.